You signed up to be an Originator, but it's likely that you don't have the training or hands-on experience that you'd like to continue growing your business. From hiring the right roles to generating enough leads, building a Mortgage business is not easy - so why not learn from someone who's learned the ropes and gone through the hard part? Ryan Grant breaks down exactly how he hired, originated and built his business to reach $267M in production last year.  



1. The biggest mistake that originators make when building their business

Find this content in the video at 3:08

It's easy to get caught up in the origination part of the process without removing yourself and focusing on the high-level strategies that will maximize your business' growth. Ryan talks about the mistakes that he made along the way and what you can expect to learn from his experiences.

2. Who you should hire, and when you should hire them

Find this content in the video at 5:22

Knowing not only when to hire, but WHO to hire, can be a huge challenge. The first hire is going to be a Production Partner, who will take day-to-day tasks off of the team leader's plate, in order to give them time to focus on the tasks they should be focusing on. This person will facilitate certain calls, handle administrative tasks and manage your email communication.

3. How much volume your team should be able to handle

Find this content in the video at 18:35

In order to give the client an exceptional experience with the team structure Ryan is covering, your team should be able to handle 25-30 loans per month at this point in the team building process. This means a process that creates a successful homeowner with ongoing guidance, extensive time with the team and the information they need to make informed decisions for their future.

4. How you can structure your team after the first few hires

Find this content in the video at 23:39

After the first few hires, you will continue to hire the same positions moving forward. Learn how Ryan structured his team in order to anticipate extensive growth. Preparing for a long-term business structure is crucial during this time to ensure you're hiring the right roles at the right time. 

5. Your job as a leader in creating an environment that promotes growth

Find this content in the video at 27:30

It's important to create space for growth and ensure you create an environment that supports that growth. Here, Ryan discusses how you need to be leading a team to facilitate company growth, as well as individual team member growth. This is how you will retain talent and keep them fulfilled in their roles.

6. Hiring positions that support and drive production toward success

Find this content in the video at 31:40

These are roles that are not directly producing for your business, but are supporting, generating leads and tracking where the business is coming from. Ryan talks about each of these roles and the importance of having them on your team. 

We hope you learned a lot from Ryan's strategy! If so, send this to another Mortgage or Real Estate Professional who could use it. 

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